Silverbeet Fordhook Giant

← Part of Quick Start Vegetable and Herb Seedlings

Pohlmans Silverbeet Fordhook Giant, also known as chard, is an easy to grow, high yielding variety with rich, dark green leaves with strong white stems.  Harvest leaves as required, plant will continue to produce for some months.  Use in stir fries, salads, pies, quiches, pasta and rice dishes.  Silverbeet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, high in dietary fibre and Vitamins A, C, E and K.

Care: These tasty vegetables prefer well drained soils and should be fed regularly during the growing season.

Height: 60 – 75cm

Plant apart: 15 – 30cm

Location: Full sun

Harvest time: 77 – 84 days