Winter is a wonderful time of the year to spend in the garden. The days are lovely and cool, there aren’t as many flies and pests to bother you, and weeds aren’t quite as prolific! Time pottering, mulching beds, repotting planters and pots for Spring flowering and harvesting vegetables make for relaxing hours.
Mulching at this time of the year is very important. A good quality organic mulch will help with moisture retention, weed maintenance and keeping soil at a more consistent temperature. It’s also important that the mulch is not so dense that water can’t penetrate where it is needed – at the roots. During Winter it’s important to water during the earlier parts of the day so the leaves have time to dry out before the cool evening, as overnight moisture can create fungal disease. Try to avoid watering foliage wherever possible and instead concentrate the water into the plant roots.
Winter vegetables are nature’s superfoods. Packed with much-needed nutrients, vegies like kale, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are all perfect for winter recipes like soups and stews, or simply to go alongside favourites like corned beef or the Sunday roast.
It’s lovely to have colour around your home during the Winter months. Flowers like violas and pansies are perfect for sheltered patios and decks, providing a cheery pop of vibrant colour to brighten even the dullest Winter day, and the 10 Pots range are brilliant value too!
Take a look at some of the beautiful Winter plants available now at your local nursery, hardware store and supermarkets, and enjoy your Winter gardening!