Sweet Potato

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Pohlmans Sweet Potato is a tender vining or semi-erect perennial vegetable that is grown as an annual. Sweet Purple Potatoes  have a vivid violet skin and flesh with a slight nutty flavour, and are rich in antioxidants. Perfect for roasting, steaming, cooked salads and chips.

Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, low in calories, but high in folate, niacin, vitamin B6, iodine, thiamine, anthocyanin and fibre. Keep skin on during cooking to obtain maximum nutritional benefit. Plant the potatoes 13 cm deep and then cover with a mulch 25-30 cm deep. Space plants 30-35cm apart.

Harvest potatoes by lifting plant when it begins to wilt, generally 16-18 weeks from planting, as this is a sign the plant has matured, dig up potatoes and check the colour and firmness to see if your first harvest is ready to consume.

Plant Apart: 30 – 35 cm

Location: Full Sun

Harvest Time: 16 – 18 weeks