Tomato Blueberries

← Part of Vegetables, Diggers Club

Catching the eye at all stages of development, the abundant trusses of 1cm fruit are a sight to behold as they mature and ripen. Bred by Brad Gates in the USA, the deep colour of this modern heirloom indicates its richness in anthocyanins. In the shade, the amethyst fruit turns red when ripe, but in the sun the fruit deepens to a deep purple-black. With sunshine improving the flavour and colour.

Harvest in 11 weeks.

Plant tomato seedlings out when soil temperature reaches 15 degrees (Celsius) or more and after risk of frost has passed. Plant in full sun and enrich the soil with compost and well-rotted manure. In pots use an organic potting mix. Mulch and water regularly, especially during hot weather. Stake at planting.